Tuesday, May 14, 2024

13 Momentous Years by Eleri Grace

 Happy 13th Blog-O-Versary to Romancing the Genres and its wonderful founders Judith & Sarah!  

In thinking about all the changes in my own life over the last 13 years -- divorced, saw my two fabulous kids mature into young adulthood and pursue their own dreams with passion and energy, strengthened some friendships and made new ones, reentered the workforce, launched my dream of becoming a published author, and founded a thriving and growing entrepreneurial venture (my college counseling business) -- it occurred to me to wonder what the 13 year time periods around WW2 looked like for many Americans. 

The years spanning 1933- 1945 profoundly shaped our history and national spirit in so many ways. 

  • FDR was President for just under 13 years during these defining years
  • Hitler ascended to power in January 1933
  • In March 1933, in his first inaugural address, President Roosevelt notably assured Americans that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. 
  • By the end of 1933, FDR had launched the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Public Works Administration, and the Public Works of Art Project, formed the FDIC, and signed the Securities Act of 1933. 
  • Notable accomplishments over the next few years included the Social Security Act, the Works Progress Administration (WPA), the Rural Electrification Administration, the National Labor Relations Act, the US Housing Authority, the Fair Labor Standards Act, and a host of federal programs aimed at preserving our national heritage and its cultural/artistic works
  • Even as the American people finally began to feel some relief from the years of poverty and want, the winds of war are swirling around the globe, and by the end of 1941, the US, with the attack on Pearl Harbor, enters the war
  • It will take nearly another 4 years and millions of lives lost before the war at last comes to an end in August 1945
Since we're all about books here, I also thought it would be fun to highlight a few of the bestselling books of this 13-year slice of time.

In early 1933, as FDR took office, the bestseller was Ann Vickers by Sinclair Lewis (interestingly, I just finished Becoming Madam Secretary by Stephanie Dray, centered around the life of FDR's Secretary of Labor, Frances Perkins (first female Cabinet member). Perkins was a romantic interest of Sinclair Lewis at one time, and she was incensed when she learned of Ann Vickers, convinced their mutual social circle would assume the protagonist was based more on her own life than was strictly the case. 

Here's a sampling of a few more of the bestselling books during the Great Depression and WW2 years (not in any particular order):

I should also note that among my personal favorites are the Little House novels by Laura Ingalls Wilder, which were published from 1932 - 1943 (roughly corresponding to these dates)!

I hope you've enjoyed recalling the history and some of the bestselling books of another noteworthy 13-year era! 

You can read more about me and my WW2 novels on my website and purchase my novels on Amazon!

Monday, May 13, 2024

Spring has Sprung

 by Diana McCollum

While working in our garden we discovered a NEW Iris!

I have heard of Iris's cross pollination creating new types but I've never seen it done.

We have white Iris, purple and yellow, lavender and now this beautiful striped lavender and white iris.

Our striped Iris

Flower at the Mendocino Botanical Garden

Table Mountain wild flowers Butte county, the Mountain peak in the background is called Sawmill Peak and we live near there in Paradise, CA

More spring flowers from Table Mountain

Our first cherry blossom March 2024
All pictures taken by Diana McCollum

Friday, May 10, 2024

Black cats, Friday the 13 th and Spilt Salt

 by Diana McCollum

Well, here it is, one of the most superstitious days on the calendar. I have never taken it seriously. Have you?

I'd like for you all to comment in the comment section as to your feelings on Friday the 13th. Is it good, bad or do terrible things really happen on Friday the 13th?

Do black cats crossing your path signify bad luck? What about walking under a ladder? Spilt salt? Spilt milk?

In some cultures black cats are a symbol of good luck! Some people even believe black cats bring wealth and good fortune.

The saying goes if you spill salt you are supposed to pinch it with your right hand and throw it over your left shoulder to prevent evil from manifesting. Evidently, evil lurks over the left shoulder.

2023 harvest of pumpkins husband grew

Do you knock on wood for good luck? Did you know that horse shoes should always be hung on the wall with the open side towards the ceiling. This is done so all the good luck won't fall

Paradise, CA sunset (Just threw this in because, well Pretty!!

Scary lights?

Old haunted cabin in northern CA

Do you believe in ghosts? Have you an experience with a ghost you'd care to share?

And what pray tell are your thoughts on Friday the 13th???

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Blog-O-Versary: The Year 2011 by Lynn Lovegreen


Happy Blog-O-Versary!


Romancing the Genres is 13 years old this year! Congrats to our Blog Queens Judith and Sarah, and thank you to everyone who has made this blog a special place for so long.


This anniversary got me thinking about what things were like back in 2011. While there were some serious events that year, we also had some happy or fun ones. Here’s a list for you to consider, in no particular order.


The popular show Game of Thrones premiered on HBO.


Prince William and Kate Middleton got married.


Adele’s “Rolling in the Deep” was at the top of the Billboard hot 100.


The movie The King’s Speech swept the Academy Awards.


The first full (not alpha or beta) version of Minecraft was released.


Lady Gaga’s performance of her song “Born This Way” and Christina Aguilera, Jennifer Hudson and Florence Welch’s tribute to Aretha Franklin were highlights of the 2011 Grammy Awards.


The world’s largest Legoland theme park opened its gates in White Haven Florida.


Divergent by Veronica Roth was the Goodreads Favorite Book of 2011.


And, of course, Romancing the Genres was born!


I probably missed something. What do you remember from 2011?


Lynn Lovegreen has lived in Alaska for most of her life. After twenty years in the classroom, she retired to make more time for writing. She enjoys her friends and family, reading, and volunteering for her local library. Her young adult historical romance is set in Alaska, a great place for drama, romance, and independent characters. See her website at www.lynnlovegreen.com


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Triskaidekaphilia and Positive Change


I bet you thought I spelled the word "triskaidekaphobia" wrong. The truth is, not everyone hates or fears the number 13. And that's a good thing, because RtG  plans to make 13 look good 2024. This blog started 13 years ago, and I've been here almost from day 1, something almost impossible for me to believe. 


For people who suffer from  triskaidekaphobia, a thirteenth anniversary might be considered scary. They consider the number 13 to be synonymous with bad luck.  Some point at the explosion that almost wrecked the Apollo 13 lunar spacecraft in 1970. (Although it did return to Earth safely.) Thirteen guests at a dinner party is considered very unlucky.  A few fearsome folks worry when they find their hotel room is on the 13th floor or their plane seat is in the 13th row. Some even refuse to get behind the wheel on Friday the 13th. 

Statistics says the number makes no real difference. But many triskaidekaphobics, including author Stephen King, don't need statistical evidence believe the number is truly cursed. Anything that scares him should leave the rest of us terrified, right?

Then along comes Taylor Swift, born on Dec 13, 1989. True, that was on a Wednesday, not a Friday. But she happily celebrated her 13th birthday on Friday the 13th. This year, 2024, she will reach 35 on a Friday the 13th.  Romancing The Genres and the Genre-istas celebrate our own 13th anniversary this year. Swift makes 13 cool, and I'm happy to be joining the Swifties  of the world in rocking the number with joy instead of fear.

Don't be frightened by any number.  The negative superstition about 13 is pretty much an ancient European thing that we in America simply inherited. Then we enhanced the fear factor by making movies like Friday The 13th. In many other parts of the world there are other traditions where the number is considered neutral, if not lucky. There are people who believe the Number 13 has the ability to bring about positive changes, and symbolizes love and compassion.

Yeah RtG!  Positive Change!

Readers, can't promise you 13 more years, but I will continue blogging here about anything that hits me as long as I can. As for you, whether you are a long time reader, or brand new to the blog, welcome (back). Hope to see you again this year. And I'd love to hear where you stand about the big 13.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Fun & learning

In just over two weeks I’ll be heading to my favourite writing conference in the whole, wide world. Back to the motherland of my writing journey – the Maine Romance Writers Retreat. Yippee! Can you tell I’m excited? Though short (1.5 days), small (one meeting room), and intimate (attendance capped at 40), the Retreat is jampacked with information and fun. 

Check-in is Friday afternoon, during which I’ll reconnect with wonderful writing friends who I only “see” via Zoom during our chapter meetings. And you can’t really have a good gossip in a Zoom group, can you? And then we start our learning.

teacher showing students something interesting

Jennifer Probst will host two workshops, Write Big, Write Smart, Write Naked (I hope clothing is NOT optional), and Tips to Grow Your Audience, and we could all use a bigger audience.

Naturists Only logo

Jamie Schmidt will present Pitfalls of Publishing, and one assumes methods to avoid those pitfalls? And, really exciting, Making Friends with AI.  It’s here to stay, folks. I already use ChatGPT to help me fine-tune my back-cover copy and I can’t wait to learn how to use the tool for more of my marketing. (And since Ms. Probst will show me how to grow my audience, I’ll have a huge fanbase, right?)

robot helping businesswoman

Last but not least, Ellen Joy will share The Joys of Self-Publishing (see what she did there?). As a hybrid author, I already appreciate the benefits of maintaining complete control of all aspects of my publishing empire (in theory), but sometimes all that control steals the joy of writing. One thing I’m sure to get from Ms. Joy’s workshop, and from the entire Retreat, is a rekindled excitement and optimism about this thing we do.

retro woman happily typing

And I haven’t even mentioned the fun and delicious meals we’ll share or the lobby bar we’ll invade.

Luanna Stewart has been creating adventures for her imaginary friends since childhood. She spends her days writing many flavours of romance. When not torturing her characters, she’s in her kitchen baking something delicious. She lives in Nova Scotia with her patient husband and a hen.